For new people managers managing the performance of others can be extremely frustrating. Heck! It's frustrating for even the most experienced people managers.
Your success is now tied to the success of the individuals directly reporting to you as their manager. Managing the day-to-day work requirements of each team member can be taxing particularly when you're trying to course correct performance and or behavior. Here is a tip to help you more effectively manage the reoccurring performance or behavior misses.
Recognize that what your employee may be resisting is change. If you are asking your employee to change a process and or an approach that they have been accustomed to (and successful at in the past) this could be at the core of the resistance.
To help individuals adapt to change, consider how the change request may be making them feel. There are many reasons why people react and resistance to change. By pausing and considering why an individual may resist, what you are requesting, you'll begin to unlock a key aspect of effectively managing performance. Thats is, to build trust.
Rather than just telling your employee what to do. Build trust by engaging them in a conversation about what and why the change is needed. Providing context will make a significant difference on how someone receives you. To add, ask:
- What's your point of view about this change?
- How can this change impact your workflow?
- Is there any reason why you believe this change won't work?
- Can I count on you to continue to perform this task in this new way?
This approach to managing performance puts the focus on the relationship. The quality of manager and employee relationships is mission critical to ensure business success. It's difficult to manage anyone's performance is there is no relationship, and at the core of any successful relationship, there is communication exchanges built on trust.
For more tips and information on how to effectively manage performance. Schedule time for a consult. LeadHumano would be happy to explore solutions with you.